OK, so I’ve not been down for a little while, I’ve got myself a new job and the preparations (at home) for me no longer working are taking ages – all those jobs that I promised I’d do!
I’ve not been sitting idle though, I’ve made up some plans for the plot and I’ve been doing a LOT of reading and research. I’ve transplanted my seedlings from the seeds I planted a couple of weeks ago (tomato (3 kinds) and pepper) and I’ve planted some more seeds. I also bought a potato sack to grow potatoes in, not used one before but if I hadn’t bothered with the sack then I wouldn’t have planted out any spuds this year! And for £4.99 as an impulse buy I’m happy enough…
I’ve also planted out my aubergine seeds, leek seeds and onion seeds. I’ve got to go to the allotment tomorrow to plant out my shallot sets and the garlic that the missus bought to plant (might be a bit late for it – we’ll see)
I’ll update with photos from the plot tomorrow.